Create Passive Income
The Smart Investor - No matter what your online business is, there are ways to incorporate passive streams of income. And there are plenty of great reasons why you should work on this. One is that we could all use a little more cash, but more importantly it gives you security and freedom. If you're not just trading hours for dollars, you can take time off to go on vacation with your family. You also don't have to stress too much when you're out sick for a few days.

The Smart Investor - Let me get you started with three different ideas that you can incorporate into your own online business.

Recommend Related Products And Services

I'm sure there are plenty of products and services that you use on a regular basis that are related to your core business. If you are a web designer or virtual assistant those may be things like webhosts, autoresponder services and graphics programs. If you are an SEO consultant, they may be content creation services or link submission software.

Serve your customers and create passive streams of income by making them aware of these products and services (through your affiliate link of course). You can do this by having a helpful fact sheet that you hand out to your clients or by sending out an email newsletter.

Share Your Expertise Via Ebooks

Another way to build passive income is to create information products. Start by sharing your expertise in a short report. You can then sell it via your own website, ClickBank or even better- Amazon Kindle. I like the kindle because it's a truly passive stream of income. You create the content, upload it and Amazon takes care of everything else. Once a month you'll get a check for any revenue generated from your kindle books.

Start by coming up with two or three topics you're comfortable writing about and create a couple of short reports. Upload them to kindle and keep them low priced (in the $1 to $5 range). As you get comfortable with the process you can write longer books and charge higher prices.

Start A Blog And Post Away

The simplest way to generate passive income is to set up a blog in an area of your expertise and start posting on it regularly. You can share tips, ideas and tutorials. Of course you can also post reviews of products you recommend and start making affiliate commissions.

As your blog starts to get traffic and regular readers, selling advertisement or even just including Google AdSense advertisements become viable options to make money.

Yes it takes a while to create income from your blog but the work you're putting in now will pay off down the road making this yet another great stream of income.


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